showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Enchanter  ??In 1985 Elliam Associates obtained rights to port Infocom's CP/M games to ADAM computer. Apparently, Elliam Associates did this only for Infocom games that customers ordered. So, if a customer wanted Enchanter, they ported it, transfered it to 5¼" ADAM disk(s), and package it in an Infocom box, Infocom instructions, Infocom feelies, and shipped it. Then they had the port for other customers who asked. So if a customer asked for an Infocom CP/M game, it exists for ADAM and at least 1 copy was shipped. If no one asked for it, it does not exist for ADAM.

Enchanter is know to have been ported to ADAM. Probably by Elliam Associates.
Sorcerer ??In 1985 Elliam Associates obtained rights to port Infocom's CP/M games to ADAM computer. Apparently, Elliam Associates did this only for Infocom games that customers ordered. So, if a customer wanted Sorcerer, they ported it, transfered it to 5¼" ADAM disk(s), and package it in an Infocom box, Infocom instructions, Infocom feelies, and shipped it. Then they had the port for other customers who asked. So if a customer asked for an Infocom CP/M game, it exists for ADAM and at least 1 copy was shipped. If no one asked for it, it does not exist for ADAM.

Sorcerer is know to have been ported to ADAM. Probably ported by Elliam Associates.
Spellbreaker ??In 1985 Elliam Associates obtained rights to port Infocom's CP/M games to ADAM computer. Apparently, Elliam Associates did this only for Infocom games that customers ordered. So, if a customer wanted Spellbreaker, they ported it, transfered it to 5¼" ADAM disk(s), and package it in an Infocom box, Infocom instructions, Infocom feelies, and shipped it. Then they had the port for other customers who asked. So if a customer asked for an Infocom CP/M game, it exists for ADAM and at least 1 copy was shipped. If no one asked for it, it does not exist for ADAM.

Spellbreaker is know to have been ported to ADAM. Probably by Elliam Associates.
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire Elliam Associates (Elliam Associates;Infocom)?This is the official port by Elliam Associates. It came in a complete Infocom box with manual and feelies. labelminimizeminimize
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz Elliam Associates (Elliam Associates;Infocom)?This is the official port by Elliam Associates. It came in a complete Infocom box with manual and feelies. labelminimizeminimize
Zork III: The Dungeon Master Elliam Associates (Elliam Associates;Infocom)?This is the official port by Elliam Associates. It came in a complete Infocom box with manual and feelies. labelminimizeminimize
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire ?2004This unofficial port was created after Activation provided Zork I-III for free download. Downloadable in disk format for transfer and running under CP/M on an ADAM or in CP/M in and ADAM emulator. labelminimizeminimize
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz ?2004This unofficial port was created after Activation provided Zork I-III for free download. Downloadable in disk format for transfer and running under CP/M on an ADAM or in CP/M in and ADAM emulator. labelminimizeminimize
Zork III: The Dungeon Master ?2004This unofficial port was created after Activation provided Zork I-III for free download. Downloadable in disk format for transfer and running under CP/M on an ADAM or in CP/M in and ADAM emulator. labelminimizeminimize